Dundee Dynamo Club Rides Check out our Facebook page for weekly rides and updates. Or - RSVP for weekly rides on StackTeams App. Follow us on Strava to see our club routes and weekly rides! Sunday Club Run Every Sunday throughout the year, we meet up for our Sunday Club Run. These runs average as 60-85 mile loops at a speed of 15-18 mph (depending on the composition of the group). Some of our favourite routes include Dunkeld, Little Glenshee, and the Moulin Moors. Check out our Facebook page for this week’s route! Dudes in the Woods MTB A classic ride that Phil and Brian started 15 years ago! Meeting at the Tay Road Bridge every Tuesday at 6:30pm, we make for the woods for a 20 mile Mountain Bike and Gravel Bike ride. The routes have been well established by our members and they are happy to guide new riders through the course! Get in contact or check our our Facebook page for ride details! Saturday Bike & Blether Our Saturday Bike & Blether Ride is great for those who enjoy an easy, social pace or beginners who are new to cycling. Our route averages 20-30 miles at a pace ranging from 9-11 mph depending on if it is a “flat road” day or a “wee bit hilly” day. You can bring along any bike you fancy and wear whatever is comfortable. Come along for some great social exercise, meet new friends, and have a chat at the cafe stop! Off-Road Adventures Check out our Facebook page for upcoming off-road adventures including single-day rides in and around the Tayside region, and bike-packing rides to explore further afield!